NieR: Automata - Farming and Acquiring Machine Arms: A Comprehensive Guide
NieR: Automata presents players with a vast array of crafting materials needed to upgrade weapons and pods. While many become readily available later, acquiring them early can significantly boost your character's strength. Machine Arms, a particularly rare material, pose a challenge early on. This guide outlines the best strategies for obtaining them.
Farming Machine Arms
Machine Arms have a chance of dropping from defeated small machines. However, the drop rate increases with enemy level, making them scarce early in the game. To improve your chances early on, focus on quickly eliminating large numbers of machines.
After completing Chapter 4, and your first encounter with Adam, a highly effective farming location unlocks. The arena where you fought Adam will continuously respawn enemies, including numerous small machines. Access this area via the Desert: Housing Complex fast travel point and proceed deeper into the ruins.
While the machines here aren't high-level, resulting in a low Machine Arm drop rate, the rapid respawn makes this the most efficient early-game farming spot. This location is also excellent for acquiring Titanium Alloy. Using a Drop Rate Plug-In Chip can slightly increase your yield.
The following section contains minor spoilers related to the final playthrough of the game.
Purchasing Machine Arms
During the final playthrough, while playing as A2, you'll encounter a choice: erase Pascal's memories after the village robots are destroyed. This action transforms Pascal into a merchant, accessible until the game's end. Pascal's inventory includes Machine Arms, along with other valuable components:
- Machine Heads - 15,000 G
- Machine Arm - 1,125 G
- Machine Leg - 1,125 G
- Machine Torso - 1,125 G
- Machine Head - 1,125 G
- Children's Cores - 30,000 G
This provides a reliable late-game source for Machine Arms.