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Port ActivityDownload
Maps & Navigation 丨 81.5 MB
Port Activity Application The Port Activity Application's fundamental principle is for port actors to share their estimated and actual times for specific stages in the port call process as a minimum data set. This information sharing facilitates collaborative decision-making and enhances information
Navmii GPS World (Navfree)Download
Maps & Navigation 丨 82.4 MB
Navmii: Your Crowd-Sourced GPS Navigation Companion Navmii is a free, comprehensive navigation and traffic app designed for drivers. It seamlessly integrates free voice-guided navigation, real-time traffic updates, local search capabilities, points of interest, and driver score features. Crucially
Waze Navigation & Live TrafficDownload
Maps & Navigation 丨 99.45 MB
Waze: Your Ultimate Navigation CompanionWaze is a sophisticated and innovative navigation application that offers users a comprehensive solution for their travel needs. With its advanced precision positioning feature, Waze goes beyond traditional navigation tools by providing anticipatory guidance,
Navitel Navigator GPS & MapsDownload
Maps & Navigation 丨 95.8 MB
Most popular offline GPS navigation with detailed