Nintendo's recently updated Content Guidelines have significantly tightened restrictions on content creators, potentially leading to bans for violations. These stricter rules, effective September 2nd, expand Nintendo's enforcement powers beyond DMCA takedowns. Now, they can proactively remove content and restrict creators from sharing any further Nintendo-related material if their guidelines are breached. This represents a major shift from the previous policy, which only addressed “unlawful, infringing, or inappropriate” content.
The updated guidelines provide clearer examples of prohibited content, notably adding: content that disrupts multiplayer gameplay and content deemed graphic, explicit, harmful, or offensive. These additions appear to be a response to recent incidents, including the removal of a Splatoon 3 video by Liora Channel. This video, featuring interviews with female players discussing their dating experiences within the game, was deemed unacceptable by Nintendo. Liora Channel has since publicly committed to avoiding sexually suggestive content related to Nintendo games.
This stricter approach is likely a response to concerns about predatory behavior in online gaming, particularly impacting younger players. The potential for harm associated with promoting sexual encounters within games aimed at a young audience is undeniable, as evidenced by incidents reported in games like Roblox. Nintendo's move reflects a proactive effort to safeguard its player base and maintain a positive image, recognizing the influence content creators hold. The updated guidelines underscore the importance of responsible content creation within the Nintendo ecosystem.