Good Coffee, Great Coffee is TapBlaze's newest release, set to arrive in early 2025
Currently announced only for iOS, it brings the culinary simulation to the world of baristas
Serve drinks for a cast of over 200 NPCs with different personalities and attitudes
Hot off the heels of the 10th anniversary of their flagship title Good Pizza, Great Pizza, developer TapBlaze have announced they'll be tackling another favourite of folks everywhere. No longer content with exploring the world of culinary simulation, soon they'll take your skills to the venerable world of baristas with Good Coffee, Great Coffee!
If you're familiar with TapBlaze's other IP, then you won't find much here to surprise you. Not to downplay it of course, as Good Coffee, Great Coffee is set to offer the same mix of story-based narrative and culinary simulation as you mix amazing-looking drinks for a variety of quirky customers.
Yes, one of the main selling points of TapBlaze's previous work returns as we see that the customers you serve coffee aren't just faceless NPCs, but fully-rounded characters with backstories and attitudes of their own. Draw fun latte art, experience a fully soundtracked ambient score and even customise your own coffee shop!
All things considered, I shouldn't be surprised that TapBlaze is opting to remain within the genre where they achieved success, but there is something charmingly typical of a developer to essentially do the same thing, but slightly differently. Not to say I think Good Coffee, Great Coffee looks imitative by any means. However, there is a slight concern that it might not innovate sufficiently to attract new enthusiasts.
Still, I don't doubt there are many of you eager to hear that the series is continuing, and who knows? Maybe 10 years from now we'll be celebrating the anniversary of Good Coffee, Great Coffee too? Check it out when it launches on iOS on February 27th, 2025!
And if you want to intensify the kitchen action, why not check out our list of the top 15 best cooking games on iOS to create a culinary whirlwind?