Warframe: 1999, the upcoming prequel expansion, unveils a captivating new anime short. Created by the arthouse studio The Line, this short showcases the Protoframes in action-packed sequences against the menacing Techrot. Fans are already dissecting the short for clues to the game's expanding lore.
The expansion, set in 1999, centers around the Protoframes, the apparent predecessors to the familiar Warframes. Their mission involves confronting the mysterious Dr. Entrati and battling the unsettling Techrot infestation. Each reveal fuels speculation within the dedicated Warframe community.
"The Hex," the new anime short, clocks in at just over a minute and a half, yet delivers intense action and visually stunning animation. Expect keen-eyed Warframe enthusiasts to uncover numerous hidden details. Watch it below!
While The Line, a UK-based studio, might not strictly adhere to the traditional definition of "anime," the term increasingly signifies sophisticated animation aimed at mature audiences. Their work on this Warframe short is undeniably impressive.
Don't miss out! Pre-register for Warframe: 1999 now – Android pre-registration is live! While you wait, explore other top mobile game releases this month. Check out our weekly roundup of the five best new mobile games for a curated selection of the past week's launches!