Embark on a magical card-based JRPG adventure with Kemco's Novel Rogue! Pre-registration is now open for Android and Steam.
This charming pixel-art game casts you as a young apprentice under the Witch of Portals. Explore a vibrant magical world, uncovering enchanted tomes within the Ancient Library, each offering unique combat systems.
Craft your deck and strategize your way through turn-based battles infused with roguelite elements. Four tomes, four distinct systems – customize your deck to match your playstyle and unleash powerful magic! The nostalgic pixel art adds a delightful touch.
Choose your adventure with Kemco's freemium or premium model. The freemium version is ad-supported (ads removable via one-time purchase), while the premium version offers 150 bonus Witch Stones and is ad-free. Note: save data cannot be transferred between versions.
While you wait for launch, explore our selection of the best JRPGs on Android!
Pre-register on Google Play for early access. Stay updated on the latest news via the official Facebook page or website.