Hideki Kamiya, renowned game director behind classics like Okami, Devil May Cry, and Bayonetta, embarks on a new chapter. After a two-decade tenure at PlatinumGames, he's launched Clovers Inc., a new studio dedicated to fulfilling a long-held dream: an Okami sequel.
A Sequel 18 Years in the Making
Kamiya's passion for completing the Okami narrative is well-documented. He publicly expressed his desire for a sequel, even jokingly recounting his unsuccessful attempts to convince Capcom. Now, with Clovers Inc. and Capcom's backing as publisher, that ambition is finally realized.
Clovers Inc.: A New Beginning
Clovers Inc., a joint venture with former PlatinumGames colleague Kento Koyama, is a tribute to Clover Studio, the developer of the original Okami. The name also acknowledges Kamiya's early Capcom teams. Koyama manages the business aspects, allowing Kamiya to focus on what he does best: game development. The studio, currently boasting 25 employees across Tokyo and Osaka, prioritizes shared creative vision over sheer size.
Departure from PlatinumGames
Kamiya's departure from PlatinumGames, a company he co-founded, surprised many. He subtly alluded to internal disagreements regarding game development philosophies, ultimately leading to his decision to pursue a new path aligned with his creative vision.
A Softer Side?
Known for his sometimes blunt online interactions, Kamiya recently issued a public apology to a fan he'd previously offended, showcasing a more conciliatory approach. He's been actively engaging with positive fan reactions to the Okami sequel announcement, highlighting a potential shift in his online persona.
The Okami sequel promises to be a significant project for Kamiya and Clovers Inc., marking a new chapter in a celebrated career.