Dive back into the magical girl universe with the upcoming mobile game, Magia Exedra! A cryptic teaser trailer showcases a mysterious girl, seemingly amnesiac, within a fantastical lighthouse. This lighthouse, we discover, serves as a repository for the memories of magical girls – a significant plot point hinted at in the recently released English and Japanese trailers.
The trailer suggests players will aid this heroine in piecing together fragments of her past, essentially creating a magical girl memory archive. This intriguing premise is further enhanced by the visually stunning video:
Global Launch Hopes?
The availability of an English trailer, coupled with hints from the game's English Twitter account, suggests a potential simultaneous global release. This is a welcome departure from the staggered release of Magia Record, which caused frustration among international fans. This new approach indicates a possible learning curve from past experiences, promising a smoother player experience.
Magia Exedra promises a captivating story, featuring familiar faces alongside the new protagonist. The mysteries surrounding the lighthouse and the memories it holds are sure to keep players engaged. With a 2024 release date, keep an eye on the official website for further updates. And don't forget to check out our other article on Fellow Moon 3rd Test!