The Abandoned Planet: A Desolate Alien Adventure Awaits!
Embark on a captivating point-and-click adventure in The Abandoned Planet, now available on iOS and Android. This Myst-inspired puzzler casts you as a lone astronaut stranded on a breathtaking yet desolate alien world. Explore hundreds of locations, solve challenging puzzles, and unravel a fully-voiced storyline alongside your trusty robotic companion.
Your journey begins after a wormhole throws your spacecraft across space, leaving you marooned. The mystery unfolds as you search for answers: Where is your crewmate? What secrets does this planet hold? And most importantly, can you find your way back home?
Inspired by classic 90s puzzlers like Myst and Riven, The Abandoned Planet boasts stunning pixel art, intricate puzzles, and captivating voice acting. Even if you're not a seasoned puzzle enthusiast, this game's engaging storyline and exploration elements are sure to draw you in. The trailer showcases dynamic gameplay, hinting at a compelling narrative and visually rich experience.
A Journey Worth Taking
The developers at Snapbreak Games have masterfully recreated the charm of classic point-and-click adventures. The game promises a satisfying blend of exploration and puzzle-solving, avoiding repetitive backtracking. The cinematic presentation and intriguing premise, enhanced by full voice acting, create a truly immersive experience.
Ready for more? Check out our list of the top 25 puzzle games on iOS and Android once you've conquered The Abandoned Planet!