Ndemic Creations, renowned for their pandemic simulator Plague Inc., unveils their latest project: After Inc. This new game shifts the focus from unleashing devastating diseases to rebuilding civilization after the catastrophic Necroa Virus – the notoriously challenging undead-creating scenario in Plague Inc. – has ravaged the world.
Players step into the shoes of survivors, tasked with the monumental challenge of rebuilding society from the ashes. The game will require careful resource management, balancing the needs of your community against the constant threats of zombies and natural disasters. Difficult choices will need to be made, from navigating political systems (democracy vs. authoritarianism) to deciding the fate of canine companions.
A Post-Apocalyptic Challenge
After Inc's premise is inherently captivating. Given Ndemic's proven track record with Plague Inc. and its expansions, this foray into the post-pandemic world is a fascinating development. While a release date remains unannounced, a 2024 release seems plausible. Pre-registration is currently open for iOS and Android devices.
For those interested in learning more about Plague Inc., celebrating its tenth anniversary, or seeking strategies to conquer the Necroa Virus scenario, helpful resources and gameplay tips are readily available.