Apex Legends is struggling, and the numbers don't lie. A prolonged decline in concurrent players mirrors the stagnation seen in Overwatch. The game is facing a perfect storm of challenges: rampant cheating, frustrating bugs, an unpopular battle pass, and a lack of engaging new content beyond cosmetic updates in limited-time events. These issues, coupled with imperfect matchmaking and repetitive gameplay, are driving players away to competitors like the newly released Marvel Heroes and the ever-evolving Fortnite.
The chart below clearly illustrates Apex Legends' declining player base. This downward trend is a far cry from the game's initial launch numbers.
Image: steamdb.info
Respawn Entertainment faces a significant challenge. Players are demanding substantial changes and fresh content. Failure to deliver decisive action could result in further player attrition and a continued downward spiral. The coming months will be crucial in determining whether Respawn can successfully revitalize Apex Legends.