In the hauntingly intriguing world of Kirumi, a girl has vanished from a seemingly ordinary school, leaving a void of unanswered questions. But as time passes, an unexplainable curse befalls the entire institution, enveloping it in an eerie darkness. Now, the burden falls on your shoulders to unravel the enigma and break the malevolent curse before it devours everything in its path. Prepare yourself for a captivating journey filled with suspense, mystery, and spine-chilling encounters. Will you have what it takes to confront the unknown forces lurking within Kirumi or succumb to its insidious grasp?
Features of Kirumi:
- Mysterious Storyline: Embark on a thrilling journey to unravel the perplexing disappearance of Kirumi, a girl who vanished from school without leaving any clue behind.
- Curse Epidemic: Discover that the entire school has fallen under a malevolent curse, plunging it into chaos. It's now your responsibility to tackle this supernatural crisis head-on.
- Exciting Challenges: Engage in a series of captivating tasks and puzzles that will test your intellect, imagination, and problem-solving skills. Only by successfully completing these challenges can you hope to lift the curse.
- Immersive Gameplay: Immerse yourself in the hauntingly atmospheric environment of the cursed school, filled with eerie ambiance and spine-chilling encounters. Feel the suspense as you navigate through the darkness, uncovering secrets along the way.
- Multiple Endings: Your choices and actions throughout the game will determine its outcome. Experience different possible endings, adding re-playability and suspense to the overall experience.
- Gripping Narrative: Unearth the truth behind Kirumi's disappearance through a captivating narrative that keeps you hooked and craving for more. Unravel the layers of mystery while uncovering shocking revelations.
Control Settings:
- Compatible with gamepad
- Single tap to move
- Long press for acceleration
- Use two fingers simultaneously to access the menu
- Two-finger press during conversations to hide dialogue box
Installation Instructions:
- Unzip/Install
- Apply cracks if required
- Start playing the game
- Enjoy your time
Dive into the enigmatic world of Kirumi, a captivating adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With its mysterious storyline, thrilling challenges, and immersive gameplay, this app offers an enticing experience for those seeking a blend of mystery, suspense, and puzzle-solving. Can you break the curse and uncover the truth? Download now to embark on a journey that will leave you yearning for answers.
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