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Watch the trailer for Bleach: Rebirth of Souls with the charismatic Shinji Hirako

著者 : Owen アップデート:Jan 22,2025

Watch the trailer for Bleach: Rebirth of Souls with the charismatic Shinji Hirako

Hirako, a key figure in the Bleach universe, is known for his captivating personality and unconventional leadership. Initially a captain who defied the Soul Society, he later assumed command of strategic operations and combat. Beyond his captaincy, Hirako possesses unique abilities tied to his Shikai, granting him control over his opponents' minds.

The Bleach: Rebirth of Souls trailer showcases Hirako's masterful manipulation of foes, using his powers to sow chaos and erode their confidence. His unpredictable shifts between offense and defense make him perfect for players who appreciate strategic combat.

The game features one-on-one 3D combat, emphasizing dynamic back-and-forth action reminiscent of 2D fighting games, though with limited three-dimensional movement.

As described in the source material, characters can fight grounded or levitate using Reishi, resulting in frequent shifts in the combat plane between opponents.

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