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作者 : Lily 更新日期:Jan 24,2025



在完成“神聖之傷”謎題後,印第使用巨人墳墓中的卷軸找到了懺悔之泉。 退出安東尼奧的辦公室(如在“神聖傷口”任務中),查閱日記的地圖,然後沿著路徑點到達通向噴泉的庭院樓梯。記得拍下所有線索以獲得冒險點!

The entrance to the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


  1. 從建築區域附近的箱子中取回噴泉鑰匙。 這會解鎖儲藏室。
  2. 用你的鞭子繞繩下降到屋頂,然後蕩到噴泉的上層。
  3. 你會發現兩個龍雕像。擺動到第二個雕像並用它的爪子激活杠杆。
  4. 旋轉龍以麵對它的對手。 回到第一個雕像;它的爪子不見了!
  5. 找到下麵腳手架上掉落的爪子。 接下來是吉娜·隆巴迪的過場動畫。
  6. 收回爪子,爬起來,然後插入。旋轉這條龍以麵對另一條龍。下麵的噴泉雕像會轉動。

The fountain key needed to proceed in the Fountain of Confessions puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle The Dragon Statue that is a part of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle The missing Dragon Claw that is a part of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Inserting the Dragon Claw in the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Indy rotating the Dragon Statue in the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle


  1. 用你的鞭子拉動噴泉雕像;一扇門出現,被三座雕像擋住。
  2. 出現一個控製杆;印地和吉娜激活它,露出第一個牆壁謎題。 (注意銘文中的線索。)
  3. 將較大的男性雕像放置在水桶下方。啟動水機製。將濕雕像推向較小的雕像(對其進行“洗禮”)。 左邊的雕像動了。

Indiana Jones using his whip to reveal the next step in the Fountain of Confession puzzle in The Great Circle The blocked gate at the center of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Indy and Gina pulling the lever that is a part of the Fountain of Confession puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle One part of the Fountain of Confession puzzle solution in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle One part of the Fountain of Confession puzzle solution in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

  1. 再次激活第二個謎題的控製杆。 使用手柄操縱石路層,將天使人物移動到右側。剩下的雕像動了。

The solution for the second half of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

  1. 將最後一個中央雕像推入大門。 螺旋樓梯解鎖,通向遊戲的下一部分。

The final step of the Fountain of Confession puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle The completion screen of the Fountain of Confession Puzzle in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

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