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The great controversy story

The great controversy story

分类:新闻杂志 大小:11.30M 版本号:2.0.21

开发者:Estudios bíblicos, devocionales y Teología 评分:4.3 更新日期:Mar 26,2025


Embark on a captivating journey through history with the Great Controversy Story app.这种沉浸式的经历探索了善与恶之间的史诗般的斗争,从耶路撒冷的破坏到耶稣的光荣第二次临时。 Delve into detailed accounts of pivotal historical events, including the Roman Empire's persecutions and the transformative Reformation. Gain valuable insights into unwavering loyalty to God and His enduring truth.

除了引人注目的叙述外,该应用程序还可以方便地访问第七天的基督复临信徒28基本信念和一本综合的在线圣经,以便于参考。 This enlightening and empowering read is a must-have for anyone seeking spiritual understanding and inspiration. Download The Great Controversy Story app today!

Features of The Great Controversy Story:

  • 引人入胜和鼓舞人心的内容:体验《时代冲突》系列冲突的高潮结论,详细介绍了上帝与撒但之间的最终战斗。
  • 丰富的历史观点:探索重大事件,例如耶路撒冷的破坏,罗马帝国的迫害,黑暗时代,改革等等。
  • A Glimpse into the Future: Trace the conflict's trajectory into the future, culminating in the Second Coming of Jesus and the earth's renewal.
  • A Testament to Faith: Understand the profound importance of steadfast loyalty to God and His unchanging truth as the end approaches.
  • Valuable Supplementary Resources: Access the Seventh-day Adventist 28 Fundamental Beliefs and an integrated online Bible for convenient study.
  • Intuitive User Interface: Navigate effortlessly through chapters and additional resources with a user-friendly design.


伟大的争议故事应用程序为那些对善与恶之间的历史冲突感兴趣的人提供了令人信服和具有教育性的经验。它引人入胜的内容,有见地的历史观点和随时可用的资源使其成为加深信仰和加强对上帝承诺的宝贵工具。 Download now and begin your journey of discovery and enlightenment.

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