The Trailer Park Boys Ricky, Bubbles and Julian will join Cheech & Chong in a mega-crossover
Both sets of characters will appear in their respective games, and Bud Farm Idle Tycoon
Fans will get a chance to nab these characters to join their lineup
Fans of stoner comedy, rejoice! For your prayers have been answered as East Side Games' Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money, LDRLY Games' Cheech & Chong: Bud Farm and Bud Farm Idle Tycoon, three very stoner-centric idlers, are set to cross over in the ultimate stoner collab.
联动将看到同名拖车公园男孩(瑞奇、朱利安和巴布斯)出现在《Cheech & Chong:芽庄》中,反之亦然。这对乡巴佬和斯托纳喜剧二人组也将出现在《Bud Farm Idle Tycoon》中,并有机会将这些角色带入所有三部作品中。
为加拿大喜剧迷打造的喜剧纪录片系列《Trailer Park Boys》在拖车公园里,喜剧二人组 Cheech 和 Chong 都因对激光生菜的热爱而闻名。因此,他们的外表被吹捧为本世纪的跨界吸毒者也就不足为奇了。
交叉将从Cheech 和 Chong 于 11 月 21 日开始在 Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money 中首次亮相,第二天男孩们自己也在 Bud Farm 中亮相。与此同时,两组角色都将于 11 月 7 日在《Bud Farm Idle Tycoon》中首次亮相;所以请留意!
在等待联动开始的同时,为什么不为 2024 年 Pocket Gamer Awards 的年度最佳游戏投票呢?