Practical Client and File Tracking & UYAP Integration: Accounting and Case Management
The Cübbe Mobile Application streamlines daily workflows for lawyers, offering integrated agenda, accounting, file, and client management. Its UYAP integration allows for quick, automatic creation of client, file, and hearing records within UYAP. Account creation is required to use the application.
Key Features of the Cübbe Mobile Application:
- Agenda and Smart Reminders: Cübbe provides customizable, legal-profession-specific smart reminders. Personalize notification settings to manage task and event alerts, preventing oversight of crucial activities.
- Client and File Management: Automatically create client records (using client name or title) within Cübbe. View client file counts, accounting details, and upcoming events. File records display file-based accounting, related tasks, and last accessed dates.
- Accounting and Calculation Tools: Cübbe simplifies legal accounting. Manage accounting by file or client, tracking expense balances and receivable fees. Automate receivable installment division and view due amounts. Calculation tools are included, with future enhancements based on user feedback.
- UYAP Integration: The Cübbe UYAP Plugin automatically creates client, file, and hearing records (up to 90 days) in UYAP. This eliminates manual record creation.
- Additional Modules: Cübbe offers additional modules to meet evolving user needs. The free File Control Module (included with the basic version) aids file management via checklists and regular file reviews.
Why Choose Cübbe?
Cübbe is a user-friendly tool that organizes core legal tasks. Its intuitive design facilitates work tracking, and job-specific reminders minimize the risk of missed deadlines. Enjoy a free one-month trial to experience the streamlined workflow. New law firms receive a free first year!
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