Vigilant: Burn & Bloom is a newly released endless survival title currently in soft launch
Find it on the iOS App Store and manage hordes of elemental fire beings
Developer your powers and abilities as the Sentinel, a guardian of the ecosystem
Ever heard the phrase that two people are like oil and water? Well, what about fire and water? Ah yes, two diametrically opposed elements, sort of. And in the newly-released Vigilant: Burn & Bloom it's your job to keep these two elements in check, lest an alien world be consumed by fire.
持久的力量元素之間的衝突是媒體中反複出現的主題。然而,它通常描繪的是簡單的善與惡的鬥爭,與現實世界自然的複雜性不同。 看到《Vigilant: Burn & Bloom》以更微妙的方式實現這一點真是令人耳目一新。
當然,你仍然會旋轉手機,向火元素發射水球,並享受豐富的動作。但它避免了純粹殘酷、不加批判的殺戮盛宴,從而顯著增強了《Burn & Bloom》的吸引力。
警惕:Burn & Bloom 預計於 12 月在全球 iOS 版上發布,Android 版計劃於 2019 年第一季度發布2025!請繼續關注,並將滅火器放在附近。
正在尋找另一款 Roguelike 遊戲嗎?考慮一下我們對最近發布的 Dungeon Clawer 的評論——UFO 綁架和兔子報應的結合。