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作者 : Hunter 更新日期:Jan 06,2025


灰姑娘三星是幻想新維度中強大的反複出現的 Boss,以其具有挑戰性的戰鬥機製和不斷發展的策略而聞名。 每次遭遇都會對技能和適應能力進行獨特的考驗,獎勵玩家寶貴的戰利品,最終獲得遊戲中最好的盔甲套裝之一。本指南詳細介紹了每次灰姑娘三星遭遇的地點。

Cinderella Tri-Stars Location Map

前兩次遭遇是主線故事的一部分。 接下來的戰鬥需要探索人界:

Location Map Image Symbol Image How to Find
En New District Adjacent to the Sacred Sand Tower (main storyline).
Midi Toy Box - Secret Room Within the Hidden Room; appears after opening a chest at the back (main storyline).
Royal Capital - Main Street After leaving the Outskirts, the symbol is visible on the wall directly ahead.
Frozen Tundra - Center North of the Icy Channel entrance, near trees.
Hidden Valley – Duet Path Left of the Save Point, down the path.
Ancient Hill – River Before the Stone Pillar Path, on a rock (accessible after defeating the Golem twice during the 'Golem Revival' quest).
Nameless Island – Depths Right of the Save Point, near a chest.
Shangri-La – Fallen City Atop the Altar, next to the Fast Travel Point.



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