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發現 Kindle 的隱藏寶藏:指南揭開任務秘密

作者 : David 更新日期:Dec 25,2024

發現 Kindle 的隱藏寶藏:指南揭開任務秘密


完成無限妮基迷人的點燃靈感支線任務,踏上穿越米拉蘭的愉快旅程! 這些任務為您的遊戲體驗增添了深度和沉浸感。 本指南將幫助您找到並完成全部 10 個 Kindled 靈感任務。

每個任務都需要選擇特定的服裝來激發獨特的 NPC。雖然看起來很簡單,但找到合適的服裝可能具有挑戰性。 這個綜合列表詳細介紹了每個任務,包括其位置、所需的服裝以及您將獲得的獎勵。

Quest NameLocationCompletion RequirementsRewards
Yesteryear’s She**Florawish:** Find Alber near the Mayor’s Residence (daytime).Equip the **Paper Crane’s Flight** dress (obtained from Kilo the Cadenceborn).20 Diamonds Nostalgic Blossom Sketch
Blossom Walk**Florawish:** Speak with Narci north of the Mayor’s Residence.Wear the **Floral Stroll Shoes** (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds Breeze-Kissed Blooms Sketch
Camouflage**Florawish:** Locate Rosy on the road to the Dream Warehouse.Wear the **Wishful Pact Skirt** (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds Starlit Night Sketch
Natural Design**Heartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow:** Find Velly near the lake cabin.Equip the **Woolfruit Growth** outerwear (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds Hundred Daisies Sketch
Deft Exuberance**Heartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow:** Speak with Peysi in the Meadow Activity Center stands.Wear the **Swift Leap Shorts** (found in a chest in Old Florawish Memorial).20 Diamonds Gentle Sunshine Sketch
Warm Protection**Heartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow:** Find Vendita outside a house at the Border Outpost.Wear the **Midnight Moon** gloves (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds Crimson Snowstorm Sketch
Animal Traces**Heartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow:** Locate Auri near the fences north of the Stoneville Entrance.Equip the **Mark of Life** top (found in a chest south of the Relic Hill, in the ruins).20 Diamonds Peace with Birds Sketch
Transformation**Stoneville:** Find Rosalie near the purple fabrics in the dyeing district.Wear the **Rippling Waves** hair (crafted after completing Rippling Serenity).20 Diamonds Quick Ponytail Sketch
Goodnight Signal**Stoneville:** Speak with Fabrizio south of the Lavenfringe Fields.Wear any three pieces of Home clothing (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds Heavy Eyelids Sketch
Fortune’s Favor**Heartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow:** Find Mysti on the deck northeast of the Cicia Art Academy Field Base.Wear the **Little Luck** socks (crafted after completing Afternoon Shine).20 Diamonds Lucky Knot Sketch

本指南提供了無限日記中所有 Kindled Inspiration 任務的完整演練。 如需更多遊戲技巧、指南和代碼,請務必查看 [The Escapist](如果適用,請在此處插入鏈接),以獲取導航 Miraland 世界的進一步幫助。

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