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Dota 2 で Frostivus の特別な宝物をアンロックしましょう

著者 : Scarlett アップデート:Dec 24,2024

Dota 2 Frostivus 2025: フェスティバル報酬をアンロックするためのガイド

Dota 2 Frostivus イベントが登場し、クールな報酬を獲得するチャンスが提供されます! 新しいミニゲームはありませんが、特定のタスクを完了するとさまざまなグッズのロックが解除されます。このガイドでは、これらの報酬の入手方法について説明します。

Frostivus 報酬のロックを解除する方法

報酬は「Festive Infusions」に分類され、それぞれがさまざまなゲーム内のアクションを通じて獲得されます:

Table showing Festive Infusions, Requirements, Points Earned, and How to Earn
Festive Infusion Requirements Points Earned How to Earn
Crystallized Joy Win Matches +30 Win games in any Dota 2 game mode.
Collect Bounty Runes +1 Collect Bounty Runes that spawn on the map.
Kill Couriers +4 Kill enemy couriers.
Essence of Friendship Play in a Party +10 Play with friends in a party.
Heal Allied Heroes +0.0002 Heal your allies as a support hero.
Get Assists +1 Get assists on enemy hero kills.
High Five After Hero Kill +2 High-five a teammate after a hero kill (Ctrl + J).
High Five Enemies +2 High-five an enemy hero (if the option appears).
Concentrated Whimsy Steal Hats +5 Steal Frostivus hats from enemy heroes (Ctrl + C).
Get Kills +1 Kill enemy heroes.
Damage Enemy Heroes +0.0001 Deal damage to enemy heroes.
Festive Spirit Give Tips +4 Give tips to enemy heroes.
Receive Tips +4 Receive tips from allies or enemies.
Hit Hero with Snowball Before Kill +10 Hit an enemy hero with a snowball before killing them (Ctrl + R).
Bump Penguins +0.5 Bump summoned penguins (Ctrl + R).
Build a Snowman Before First Blood +5 Build a snowman before the first blood (Ctrl + W).

Dota 2 Frostivus 2025 報酬階層とクラフト

報酬には段階があり、上位の階層には下位の階層から作成されたアイテムが必要になります。 以下の表は、階層、ロック解除要件、作成制限を示しています。

Table showing Reward Tiers, How to Unlock, Available Rewards, Required Festive Fusions, and Crafting Limit
Tier Name How to Unlock Available Rewards Required Festive Fusions Crafting Limit
Tier I Unlocked from the start Random Frostivus Voice Lines 20x Crystallized Joy, 20x Essence of Friendship 5
Random Frostivus Sprays 20x Concentrated Whimsy, 20x Festive Spirit 4
Tier II Craft 2 Tier I Rewards Frostivus 2024 Loading Screen Treasure 16x Crystallized Joy, 16x Essence of Friendship, 48x Festive Spirit 10
Random Frostivus Emoticons 16x Crystallized Joy, 48x Concentrated Whimsy, 16x Festive Spirit 8
Tier III Craft 3 Tier II Rewards Frostivus 2024 Tormentor Skin 40x Crystallized Joy, 100x Essence of Friendship, 100x Concentrated Whimsy 1
Ruddy and Rannoff Mythical Courier 80x Crystallized Joy, 120x Essence of Friendship, 120x Concentrated Whimsy, 160x Festive Spirit 1
Crownfall Craft 2 Tier III Rewards 5 Random Crownfall Act I Tokens 80x Crystallized Joy, 40x Essence of Friendship, 40x Concentrated Whimsy 5
5 Random Crownfall Act II Tokens 40x Essence of Friendship, 80x Concentrated Whimsy, 40x Festive Spirit 5
5 Random Crownfall Act III Tokens 40x Crystallized Joy, 40x Concentrated Whimsy, 80x Festive Spirit 5
5 Random Crownfall Act IV Tokens 40x Crystallized Joy, 80x Essence of Friendship, 40x Festive Spirit 5
Legacy Craft 2 Tier III Rewards Frostivus 2023 Treasure Chest 30x Crystallized Joy, 30x Essence of Friendship, 30x Concentrated Whimsy, 30x Festive Spirit 5
Premium Purchase a Pathfinder Pack for any of the four Crownfall Acts 5 Crownfall Store Coin 60x Crystallized Joy, 60x Essence of Friendship, 60x Concentrated Whimsy, 60x Festive Spirit 2
Crownfall Sticker Capsule 20x Crystallized Joy, 20x Essence of Friendship, 20x Concentrated Whimsy, 20x Festive Spirit 10

戦略的にプレイしてチームを組むことで、Frostivus の報酬をすべてアンロックできます!最新情報については、ゲーム内のイベント ページを必ずご確認ください。

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オンラインショッピングを簡単に: 包括的なレビューTOP

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